Sprinkler Repair


Coppell Lawn Company is experienced in all kinds of sprinkler system upgrades, repairs, and service. We have experienced irrigators on our team that are licensed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).

Sprinkler System Repairs and Maintenance

  • Licensed Irrigator on staff
  • Repair/Replace Double Check Valve Assembly
  • Replace/repair broken sprinkler heads
  • Locate/Replace/Repair valves
  • Locate/Repair system leaks
  • Troubleshoot controller and electrical
  • Determine & program proper watering schedule
  • Adjust sprinklers for proper watering
  • Convert planting bed from spray to drip irrigation
  • Install Drip System for Foundation Protection

Sprinkler System Design & Installation

Coppell Lawn Company has the skills you need to design, install, and maintain your new sprinkler system. In addition, we can upgrade or modify your existing system to maximize watering benefits while keeping your monthly water bills low.

Sprinkler System Repair, Modification, or Alterations

In most cases, existing sprinkler systems can be modified at a minimal cost. This simple task could save you up to 30% on your water bill each month. Call Coppell Lawn Company today at 972-833-1293, and we will schedule a meeting with our licensed irrigator to come review your sprinkler system with you and provide you with ways you can save on your monthly bills.

Smart Controller Installation and Upgrade

We are also capable of upgrading your existing sprinkler system to include a programmable smart controller. Some cities offer credits towards monthly water bills for homes that upgrade to a smart controller. On top of that, many cities allow for deviations from local water restriction regulations to residential systems that are controlled with smart controllers. Smart controllers, once properly programmed, can save you 30% of the water needed for your lawn and landscape maintenance. Call our office today for more information.

Rain/Freeze Sensor Installation

An automatic rain/freeze sensor will suspend your sprinkler system from watering if there has been sufficient rain, or if the temperature drops near or below freezing.

Contact Us Today 972-833-1293

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