Fertilization & Weed Control


Coppell Lawn Company’s Fertilization and Weed Control Lawn Care Services include the treatment of all common weeds.

  • Fertilization Program Lawn Care
  • Pre-Emergent Weed Control and Post Emergent Weed Control Lawn Care
  • Identification of your lawns grasses, weeds, etc. (We are licensed by the Texas Department of Agriculture)

Fertilization Program:

We have worked with both locally and nationally recognized horticulturists, to develop a fertilization and weed management program that will keep your lawn healthy, thick, and essentially weed free year-round.

Fertilization – We use only the very best, time-released, high-nitrogen, fertilizers to keep your plants looking great. The soils here in Coppell are primarily made up of high-alkaline clays. Our soil is generally lacking in Nitrogen, which is an important nutrient for healthy plant growth. Coppell Lawn Company recommends applying fertilizer throughout the active growing season, which runs early Spring through early Fall.

Pre-Emergent Weed Control – Our pre-emergent weed control can be administered as either a spray or granular application. Pre-emergent herbicides either kill weeds outright or keep them from germinating past their seed form. Our customers usually use our pre-emergent application for the prevention and control of Goosegrass, Crabgrass, White Clover, and other grassy weeds and broadleaf weeds.

Post-Emergent Weed Control – Post-emergent herbicides are applied as a spray, but only once our specialist has properly identified the weeds in your lawn. One of our licensed technicians will review your lawn to see what types of broadleaf & grassy weeds are present, and apply the correct post-emergent herbicides for the control of those weeds.

Insect & Grub Worm Control:

Insect Control – Application of insecticide is for the active control of grub worms and other turf insects for approximately 90 days.

Fire Ant Control – Upon request, we can bait fire ant mounds. Keep in mind, this will not stop new mounds from forming.  

Fertilization and Weed Control Pricing:

In order to offer fair pricing for all, we price based on the turf square footage. Call us to receive a custom quote for your lot.

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